Rad School – Experimental Learning Program

A Kansas City-based alternative grad school program

Semester 2 under way

RadDCJETLJsmWe are almost half way through our second semester, implementing the changes we decided on at the end of the first. We now have Rad Monday and Rad Tuesday groups, both of which are a little smaller than our first Learning Circle.

We continue to meet at the gallery space of our friends PLUG Projects, but also in each others’ homes. I think many of us miss the connections we made in the first semester, and are looking forward to our first mid-semester mixer to remedy this. There is going to be a dress code for the event – everyone will be dressed like their project for this semester. Look for rad party pix before too long!

rad-monday 3 4 2013

Rotating leadership has been working well in our group, shifting the circle dynamics in a good way, and so far the in-depth presentation opportunity seems a good idea as well. The most significant change is that having fewer people in the group allows for each exchange to be less pressured in terms of time.


Most of those who initially took a “leadership” role are stepping back for one reason or another, and so we have less organizational structure perhaps, but so far this does not seem to be problematic.

Photo on 2013-03-04 at 19.01

The next goal for the blog will be to include a section to share each Learner’s contract, semester by semester….RadSBTJRDL

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This entry was posted on March 25, 2013 by .